12. 03. 2025.
Српски Francais Italiano

My name is MIHAJLO HADŽI-PAVLOVIĆ. I was born in 1951. in Beograd ( Serbia ). I am a forestry engineer and a master of science for game management. Since 1978. I live in Zaječar (eastern Serbia ) and all my professional activity is linked to the hunting areas of Serbia , Italy and Macedonia . I am breeding pure breed dogs since 1968. and in 1972., under the number 1314., I registred at the FCI my kennel with the name JANIOR. Since 2004., using only my proper filmed material, I started to produce DVD films on hunting, hunting game and hunting dogs.

Posetilac br.  |  Visitor No.
Visiteur No.  |  Visitatori No.

Janior   Janior   Janior   Janior  
