12. 03. 2025.
About us

JANIORMy name is MIHAJLO HADZI-PAVLOVIC. I was born in 1951. in Beograd (Serbia). I am a forestry engineer, master of science for game management. Since 1978. I live in Zajecar working almost all the time in the hunting areas of the Eastern Serbia. During in total 16 months I worked as a hunting manager in Italia. Since 1975 I am a judge for expositions and for field trials of pointing dogs and hounds.

My first pure breed dog was en English Pointer, a female bought as a puppy in 1968. She was very tipical and an excellent hunting dog. Since this time until now I still breed, handle and judge this noble dog breed with the same enthusiastme. In 1972. under the number 1314 I registred at the FCI my kennel with the name JANIOR (the name of my favorit hill in Serbia). Until 1990. I imported several excellent English pointers from Italia, Belgium and Danmark. I initiated and founded, with a group of friends, the first Pointer Club in Serbia and Yugoslavia in 1978. I was the first president of this Pointer Club which had during the period 1978 – 1988. more than 300 members from the whole Yugoslavia end from some others European states (Italia mostly) and a very large activity (specialy field trials). In 1979. I published in Beograd a monography on the English Pointer, the first one in Serbia and Yugoslavia.

I started to breed and use the hounds in 1971. I bought in Zenica (Bosnie et Herzegovine) Boy-Pasha, a Bosnian wirehaired hound-Barak. He won a third place on a Multiple hound trial at Belanovica (Serbia) in 1974. and in 1975. he was officially proclaimed Show champion of Yougoslavia. Since then I successfully breeded, used and presented on trails Yougoslavian tricolored hounds, Balkan hounds, Posavats hounds and one Italian wirehaired hound (Segugio). JANIOR

I bought my first Wirehaired Daschund (Teckel) in 1980. for tracking wounded big game animals in the hunting area where I used to work. He was very usefull. Being very lucky, I bought in 1989. a femal BETI-MALA, from the famous kennel of the Ivanic brothers from Opovo in Vojvodina. She was the grand daughter (by her father’s side) of an Internazional Show and Trial Champion BOSS from Slovakia. She herself was an exceptional working dog too. She barked naturaly for hours near the founded dead big game animal. During 13 years of her life she has found 17 wounded big game animals (deers, wild boars, roe deers). On trial on wild boars, as the unique Daschund (Teckel) in competition with many Jagd Teriers (at this time in Serbia Daschunds (Teckels) and Jagd Teriers competed togethers) she regulary won and became Jugoslavian Trial and Show Champion. She was excellent for the underground work too (kind of hunt that I practice very rarely).

Generation after generation until now I breed a non interrupted line of her descendants which gave me:
1 International Show Champion
14 National Show Champions,
3 National Trial Champions,
13 dogs winning the CACIB and the R.CACIB on internationals dog shows in Serbia,
28 dogs winning the CACB and the R.CACB on nationals dogs shows in Serbia,
1 dog winning the CACIT on an international trial on wild boars in Serbia,
6 dogs winning the CACT and the R.CACT on nationals trials on wild boars in Serbia,
9 dogs qualified EXCELLENT
2 dogs qualified VERY GOOD on trials on wild boars in Serbia and Italia,
1 dog qualified GOOD on traial on wild boar in Italia
6 dogs are qualified for blood tracking in Serbia and Italia
1 dog winning the R.CACT, 3 dogs qualified EXCELLENT, 2 dogs qualified VERY GOOD and 2 dogs qualified GOOD in underground trials.
At this moment the kennel has 17 adult Wirehaired Teckels of both sex of which:
1 female: International Show Champion
4 males and 2 female National Show Champion
1 male National Trial Champion
6 dogs qualified in trials on wild boars and underground.

Since 1990. three generations of very nice German Small pincher (stag red colour) with an excellent temper are breeded by my wife Gordana. Rarely exposed in dog shows, they however regulary win the first prise.

During my 30 years long work in the hunting areas of Serbia and others european’s countries, I have collected with my photo and video camera a lot of pictures and filmed material about the hunt, the hunting dogs and the life of the wild animals in the nature. Since 2004., using only my proper filmed material, I have produced and published until now 26 diferent movies on DVD about hunt, hunting dogs and the life of the wild animals in the nature. Several new titles will apear soon.

As a forestry engineer and and master of science for game management I work 30 years in hunting areas and national parks of Serbia, Italy, Czech Republic and Macedonia.
Since 1978. until 1990. I worked in the State forestry enterprise SIK “Juzni Kucaj” from Zajecar in Eastern Serbia where I organized the management of 8 open and fanced hunting areas with red deers, roe deers, fallow deers, chamois, wild boars, muflons, wolfs, lynxs, bears and the smal game too.
During the mont of december 1989. I was on specialisation on the Institut for game management in Praha (Czechoslovakia).

Since 1990. until 2004. I worked in the National Park Djerdap (Iron Gates). The first 2 years I was a Director’s assessor and later a Colaborator for game management.

Since 2005. until 2010 I worked in the Safari International hunting agency from Novi Sad (Serbia). Since 17.07.2016. I am retired.I am qualified for creating projects for various hunting managements, for the production of big and small game, for the introduction and reintroduction of wild animals in the nature, for arrengement of hunting areas and for capturing alive animals.

During 1978. and 1979. for the specialised staff of the forestry enterprise SIK “Juzni Kucaj” Zajecar I wrote handbook manuals for the management of red deers, roe deers, fallow deers, chamois, muflons and wild boars. During the period 1978-1990. I made all the plans for the long-duration management of the 8 hinting managed by the SIK “Juzni Kucaj” Zajecar. During the period 1991-2003. I made the game management plan for the National Park Djerdap (Iron Gates) and during the period 1976-1996. I made the same plan for the community of Sokobanja. I was in the team of authors of the Long-duration programme of hunting developement in the Eastern Serbia (Timok region) for the period 1985-2000. and the Huntingdevelopement programme in Serbia for the period 2001-2010. I am also member of the team of authors of the Hunting encyclopedie edited in Belgrade in 1987. Through others, I made and realised in 1983. and 1984., the programme of capturing alive chamois in the Djerdap area (Iron Gates on the Danube) and reitroducing them in the Lazar Canyon (near Bor in Eastern Serbia) where they prolified. I also realised the capture of alive red deers and their export to Austria inJANIOR 1987. and England 1988. As an expert of the EU, working for the Programme of help of the undevelopped communities of Serbia I made in 2004. the Programme of the hunting developement of the Svrljig community in Eastern Serbia. During 2005. an as expert of the FAO I was a foreign consultant for different programmes of wild game breeding in abandonned mountain areas of the Czech Republic. During the years 1993. and 1994. I was one of the proffesors in the Forestry secondary school of Kraljevo (in Serbia) – course for hunting management specialists.

I have a 30 years long experience in hunting tourisme for big and small game hunting. I can speak, read and write english, french, italian, macedonian, croatian and bosnian and I can understand and use the spanish, german, rumanian, czech, slovakian, slovenian, bulgarian and russian language. I can organize good hunting trips on european big and small game in Serbia, Montenegro, Serbian Republic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Macedonia and Czech Republic. I can also organise the training of gun dogs owith natural partridges, rock partridges, pheasant and quails and the training of hounds an terriers with natural game (hare, wild boar, fox, badgger and jackal) in Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.